Saturday, 27 April 2013

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

My stuff has arrived!

The moving company called Friday morning and after a few minutes of me not understanding them I finally realized it was NOT a prank call but that my goods had arrived locally and they wanted to schedule delivery.

A quick check of my diary showed that next week was not going to happen and the following week was iffy.  I asked if they'd deliver that afternoon and I was surprised to hear them say, "yes".

They got here on time and jokingly asked where I wanted the pallet, as that's all there was left...ha...ha.  Having done a few moves with the Navy I was NOT amused!

Unfortunately, 10 minutes later they were done.  The contents emptied and unwrapped and most of it in the room I wanted it in.  Just like Christmas morning.

The Mac is up and running.  A new (UK power supply) printer is ready to be set up.  Clothes are hung up and my modeling tools and kits are put away.

I feel like I can live properly again.

Until next time...

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