Sunday, 14 April 2013

Pretty Boy crossing the road

March 26th, 2013

After a long day--I had to drive to Manchester early this morning and then back home (122 miles each way) I pulled over to take a picture of the sheep in the field. A pheasant pops out from an opening in the stone fence and walks across the road. The picture does not do him justice; he was very pretty. 

Not my good camera, just a quick shot using my video camera. 

Here's the picture of the sheep. 

That's the Irish Sea in the extreme background.

Another cold day, it got up to 34, the low was only 30. Overcast all day and occasionally a few snowflakes. Wind of course is strong; 20 mph with gusts to 30 or more. And that's a normal day. Not much for trees so the the only wind breaks are hedgerows and stone fences. Great for sheep but not so great for people.

The snow is the remnants of Friday's major snow storm. Lots of drifting and white outs, it was Saturday afternoon before some folks were dug out from their cars. The plows cut vertically through the snowdrifts to clear the roads, making them even more narrow! It'll be a few weeks before all the drifts melt, and until then they melt some in the day, freeze at night and ice the roads up. What a mess.

The snow storm actually closed the plant on Friday--minimum crews only to keep the water boiling so the steam could make electricity.

Suzanne arrives on Thursday! We'll tour the county, seeing the Beatrix Potter and Peter Rabbit exhibits at Windemere, probably Friday. Plus go to Edinburgh on Saturday. Sunday will be more touring.

Until next time...

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