While waiting for Suzanne to join me at St Pancras International -- the train station in London where you embark for trips to Europe -- I walked about a bit and snapped some pictures.
I'm not sure what church that is.
A mixture of the old and new. St Pancras has been around a while and sometimes the architecture just shows through.
Suzanne finally arrived about 3 hours later than planned. Her flight from BWI took off late for starters. I changed our tickets on the Eurostar twice, luckily my accent made it obvious I was sincere. We missed the second train due to a problem on the train line from Heathrow airport to St Pancras, and Suzanne showed up just as the next train was leaving. So we waited another hour and then off we were to Paris.
That does have a nice ring to it...
Until next time.
Hi Tim,
nice blog!..must read through it all.. I love the way you 'Yanks' (or most of you..) appreciate aspects of life in the UK that the natives just don't..!
BTW..it may well have been me speeding you on your way to the Continent!
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