I decided to continue last week's walk by retracing to where I'd left the trail, and then continue on to the next road and come back to the cottage. My impression is that it would be another 4 mile walk…I got that wrong but had a good time anyway.
It was a gray day, and rain threatened. According to the weather guessers the rain would hold off until sunset. They guessed wrong, but at least the first half of the walk was dry.
Buck Barrow is so prominent, and because it was my first real hike on my own that it just captivates me. It's hard to believe it's about 3 miles walking from where I took this picture.
At the end of the gravel road there is a farm, and the GPS was telling me to walk straight through the farmhouse! So obviously I asked the farmer and he simply pointed towards a paddock full of sheep. No worry, just have to walk past them up the fell and along the fence.
Some bush was there, it looks dead but I suppose it's just dormant for the winter. On it was some fungi that was really stark in it's yellow.
A nice selfie with Buck Barrow behind me. Just as the camera took this photo it fell off the fence, no damage of course, but it gave me a start. The trail went over the fence here, I continued up the fell and the trail ended at the farmhouse where my main blog page photo was taken. From there I continued up towards Setallon (to the left of Buck Barrow and not in these photos) Then made a hard left on a logging road. As I was walking along the logging road it started to rain…and continued to rain until I got back to the cottage, which is why I didn't take more photos.
The yellow part of the trail is the previous route…at Wellington I veered right and rejoined the trail. That jog at the top that just sort of stops is the full trail, but due to the heavy rainfall the ford across the River Bleng was not passable. So I backtracked and headed back down the fell.
A longer walk than I'd planned, and because it was wet, very tiring. 8 miles, 4 hours, total ascent 258 meters.
Until next time…
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