Saturday, 1 June 2013

Holker Hall

31 May 2013

We picked up a flyer for the Garden Festival at Holker Hall while we were out earlier in the week. Suzanne had read about Holker Hall and wanted to tour the old home, which was built in the 16th century. The Garden Festival seemed a good way to spend the entire day as the Hall was about an hour's drive. And the weather was gorgeous.

We arrived and it was a nice festival of tents with local foods, wines, ales and goods. Plus there was an operating steam tractor on hand, sheep herding and rabbit hunting demonstrations. The latter used ferrets to "ferret out the rabbit" from its hole so the hunter could shoot the rabbit. Now we know the origins of that phrase.

We also talked with a nice gentleman about stone fences, the dry stone walls and the techniques used to make and mend them. Turns out the purpose of the fences was to parcel the land back in the 1600's when people could own the land but had to identify their specific plot. A stone fence was the most permanent means of saying "mine!"

Suzanne zeroed in on a foxhound sitting by one tent; we quickly walked over and started talking with members of the North Lonsdale Foxhounds, a pack of fell hounds that are followed on foot, not horses. It is because the land has so many to stone fences and hedge rows that following on horse is not practical. We have an invitation to come out to a meet during their season.

This place was terrier heaven! We saw all kinds - Patterdales, West Highlands, Jack Russells, Borders, Scottie's, Skyes, Wire Hair Foxes, Airedales, Schnauzers and Staffordshires. We have decided we want one of each! Well-behaved dogs are welcome everywhere here - outdoor events, trains and pubs.

We did tour the home and saw about a dozen rooms that were open to the public. We've decided while these places are nice to visit, we wouldn't want to live there.

Until next time...

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